dilluns, 18 de juny del 2018

This is my last post as a Secondary Education student


After 4 years I finish this stage. Next year I will do the science Bachillerat. In this 4 years I learned a lot of english and other things that hope are important in my future.  Hope the next year I won't have to do this blog and this will be my last post.


diumenge, 17 de juny del 2018

Making a decision

MAKING A DECISION: speaking with Ton

Resultat d'imatges de making a decision

my reflexion on this year

my reflexion on this year

This year was full of work, especially this last term. This was because we had the First certificate exam and we prepared it a lot in class. The problem was that the teacher wanted to finish the book before the exam and we had to do 4 units in a few days.

I stop complaining. I have to say that this year has been a year where I learned a lot of things. I think I improved a lot my english not only in enlish, in all aspects. It has been a dificult year but I think it was productive.

The say that next year will be very dificult, we'll see!

READER: Legend

Resultat d'imatges de legend marie luClick in the photo

dissabte, 16 de juny del 2018

a special event

Writing - a special event

Every spring, from 9 to 13 of may, there is a big party in Lleida: “La festa major”. All the people in Lleida goes out to have fun. During the day people go to have a drink but the night is the most important. Groups from all Spain come to make concerts.

The concerts take place in “camps elisis” and an amazing atmosphere is created there. People get really crazy when a famous group comes. I was amazed when my favourite group came. My favourite part was when they played my favourite song and all the people start singing.

There are 3 main stages where there are groups all night. The best thing is that all it’s free, you can listen and move through all the concerts without paying. Everybody is having fun and listening to good music. However there are always people who try to make you a bad night.

In my opinion if you are from Lleida you must go. It’s worth listening to music in live, it’s more stunning. It was unforgettable!

dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2018

Report from the BBC (click on the image)Resultat d'imatges de bbcSCRIPT

Studio reporter: Blai
Reporter: Roger

Blai: Hello this is BBC, I’m Mike Howards. We have new information about the hurricane that is passing through Lleida. Experts said that it will pass in 2 days towards the atlantic sea to Portugal. They say it has the capacity to destroy the Seu Vella, hope they are wrong. We connect with Howard Williams in Lleida.

Roger: Thank you Mike. For two days the electricity and the water have been interrupted. We have winds of 118 kilometers per hour and the government recommended stay at home or move to another city. From here we recommend to follow the indications of the authorities. Till now only 3 old buildings have been overthrown and they were empty, there were only 6 slightly injured people. We hope the Seu Vella resists. It’s Howard Williams informing from Lleida.

Blai: Thank you Howard.
We asked our expert Hans Shore if this strange hurricane in Europe could be influenced by the climate change. He said climate change is not directly related to the hurricane appearing but it helps on the generation of it. The rise of temperatures in the sea makes it a great place for hurricanes to be created.

Roger: Herein Lleida, after doing some research and interviewing people with knowledge in the topic we have discovered that the effects that a hurricane can have in our city are devastating. Firstly, one of the main problems is the increase in the wind power. Wind gusts can easily reach 250 km/h. The main problem of this is the huge capacity of destruction that the hurricane has. In second place, we have to have in mind the problems produced because of this natural phenomenon. A hurricane produces more than 200 mm daily, generating inundations and landslides. This can provoke scares to the inhabitants of Lleida.

Blai: Dear friend Howard, we have an important entering news. Just now the Seu Vella has felt. It is a really bad day for the people in lleida. This Cathedral was built 750 years ago and it was a symbol for the city. Hope no one has been injured, we will continue informing. We recover the connection with you at the city.

Roger: These are horrible news. Well, as I was saying, many problems are caused by hurricanes. For example, if the hurricane is in the sea it can cause problems to nearby ships or kill some animals in it. Then if it is in the mainland, problems are more risky. Constructions can be destroyed, lands can be damaged and people can be killed. We hope not many people are killed in Lleida. We connect again with the studio.

Blai: We have new news about the catastrophe in La Seu Vella. We have been said that there are 11 death people and 32 injured. It’s admirable how the authorities are working risking their lives just to protect the citizens. Their labour is crucial in order to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Roger: Ooh, that's a pity. That's all from here in Lleida, I finally return the connection to the studio.

Blai: Thanks Howard for informing about the situation that the city of Lleida is suffering. If you are in Lleida follow the instructions given by the experts and the authorities. Just keep in mind that all the world is supporting you. I'm Mike Howards and that’s the end of our daily informative, thanks and good night.